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About HIV

NAP Lincoln offers case management, linkage to care and referrals to HIV treating physicians, connection to Ryan White services, and testing and treatment for STD's.

127 South 37th St.
Lincoln, NE

AIDS Service Organization providing care services to those with HIV including linkage to care, medical/clinical, case management, support services and referrals as necessary impacted in the Greater Scottsbluff and surrounding area.

120 E. 16th St
Scottsbluff, NE

Statewide ASO (AIDS Service Organization) providing Case Management, HIV & STD Testing & counseling, Linkage to Care, Ryan White funding, Support Services including transportation, referrals, & free condoms. Offering education and prevention messages to reduce stigma and HIV transmission in Nebraska.

302 W Phillip Avenue Suite 200
Norfolk, NE

Offering advocacy and information on policy and legal issues regarding the Deaf in Nebraska. Contact Jonathan Scherling, President of the Board of Directors directly with inquiries by emailing him at:

19022 B Street
Omaha, NE

Regional hospital. Emergency-Trauma

4350 Dewey Avenue
Omaha, NE

Nebraska PLWA's (People Living With AIDS) offer their unique perspective and personal take on living in Nebraska with HIV and how access to medical and support services help them make it day-to-day. HIV Talks are age-appropriately crafted for each audience. Email us and we'll get your request to the right person ASAP. Get Educated, Know YOUR Status, Be Part of the Cure!

P.O. Box 8
Grand Island, NE

Our meetings provide a safe, confidential space to share concerns, to get information and support. Our meetings are attended by parents, family, and friends of gays, lesbians, bisexual, and transgender persons. Our meetings are free and we welcome everyone. Check our Calendar for meeting dates, topics and speakers.

P.O. Box 82034
Lincoln, NE

PFLAG Omaha - Moving Equality Forward in the Heartland. Monthly meetings for support and education regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. For confidential support or information contact our helpline- or call.

PO Box 390064
Omaha, NE

HIV testing & Urine testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. All STD testing & treatment, sliding scale or free. Call for more information or to make an appointment.

5631 South 48th Street, Suite 100
Lincoln, NE
Service Type

A group for GLBTQIAA (and questioning) youth and their straight allies ages 13 to 23. We are sponsored by Heartland Pride. A youth group specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual youth. Anyone who is genuinely interested in attending is welcome.

6203 University Dr. N.
Omaha, NE