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Kountze Commons – Kountze Memorial Food Pantry

Over the past two decades, the Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church Food Pantry has grown into a guest-choice pantry, where more than 70 volunteers serve approximately 1,766 guests per month. Over 40% of our guests are children. The Pantry’s mission is simple: feed anyone who comes through the door. The gracious and generous donations by the Kountze congregation whether it be time, talent, or treasure continues to bless our hungry neighbors in need. Here, all welcome. Come and be filled.

Office Phone Number
2650 Farnam St
Location Hours
Mondays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Temporary Additional days: Fridays 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Exception— when a national holiday falls on a Monday or if Omaha Public Schools cancels classes due to snow, the Food Pantry will be closed and resumes the following Monday. Please contact the church office at (402) 341-7761 with any questions.)
Counties Served
Douglas and surrounding counties